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Jessica Pace
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (970), 375-4586

EPA takes hands-off approach to spill probe

Agency’s chief testifies at congressional hearing

Sludge affecting smaller ditches and waterways

Homeowners in Hermosa concerned

Animas River blessed in ceremony

Members of group pray at Memorial Park

Temple Grandin plans September visit to FLC

Renowned autism activist to speak about her new book

Congress grills EPA on spill

Agency faces claims of negligence

La Plata wants EPA payback

La Plata County officials and staff have about two weeks to craft a co-opt agreement in order to recoup money spent in the aftermath of last month’s mine spill in Silverton. Coun...

New owner assumes debt, legacy of rally

Four Corners Motorcycle Rally in the hands of Johnny Valdez

Ute recall picks up steam

IGNACIO – Southern Ute tribal elders said Thursday they expect to have sufficient signatures to recall Chairman Clement Frost and five council members. During a meeting, elders ag...

Airport numbers strong despite ‘leakage’

Gasoline prices erase savings from driving to larger cities

Tax-increase options weighed for ballot

La Plata County commissioners, staff look for possible ways to increase revenues

Officials discuss tribal community safety concerns

IGNACIO – On the topic of public safety in tribal communities, U.S. attorneys had questions rather than answers for law-enforcement officials, prosecutors and victim-assistance workers atten...